The ZAK Salaam India Expo 2007 starting 15Th August 2007 till 19Th August 2007 happened at Singapore.

The last year 2006 expo of India Singapore was comparatively a smaller event compared to this ZAK Salaam India Expo 2007.

The different wings of the Indian organizations although co-ordinated well for this expo as a freelance observer we have observed certain areas where niceties which may well improve these sort of shows of India Expo.
As it goes this is the expo which show cases the India the very main thing which is missing in the expo organizers or the shops is the Smile on their lips! Great Business houses. Less of Smiles. Or is it the Grim faces should represent India? No idea. So its a good idea the expo stall exhibitors are trained in Smile Exercises! When you enquire a curt and terse reply is the outcome! Not that all are like that ! But being an expo and having seen various expos in this Singapore a Broad Smile and a easy and expandable gentleness can go a long way in the expo of India success.
The lanes between the shops are narrow thus having crumpled walking place for the visitors. Hope the lanes can be widened better.
Singapore is known for price tags display clearly and discounts or buy two get one free slogans in the market place. Any small market you go can you can find this extensively and unfortunately the EXPO OF INDIA lacks this squarely!! A very few shops that show the price tags! And most of them lack the techniques. Hope these expo owners take trip to downtown markets and see the way the markets work. To us a market and an expo does not have a large difference. Each one showcases its talent. Hope the India Expo can expect to learn better.
Crowd Puller- Eatery Stalls As usual
As usual any expo you go which are the places mostly crowded ? Its Eatery stalls. And India Expo is no exception. Well aligned Eatery malls have stolen the show with variety of India food and it appears they are the people who would have fared in the income generation there the best! (Is it correct organizers?)

The Govt bodies shops are lacklustre shops with no enthusiasm or attractions. Hope they can improve.

So Salaam India 2007! Well Done organizers ! Have them organized in better and better way as the years go!!

Beautiful Singapore team